While dealing with negative behavior is part of sports administration, the EWBC strives to promote good sportsmanship and teamwork through proactive methods. To this end, the EWBC has created an annual sportsmanship award named after a former player who has moved on to a league in Northeastern Ohio. Heather Millar played in the league for over 15 years until 2021, and during her tenure she demonstrated great sportsmanship, love of the game, and promoted women’s baseball to anyone who would listen. Always positive, willing to help or learn, Heather was the consummate teammate.
The Heather Millar Sportsmanship Award will be awarded at the conclusion of the EWBC season; to the player who best embodies the EWBC spirit of competition and fair play. At the end of the annual season, each team in the league will nominate 6 players for the award and then the players will vote for their choice.
Congratulations to Bonnie Hoffman for earing the 2023 Heather Millar Sportsmanship Award!!! Bonnie is a great teacher of baseball and has a way of encouraging and inspiring a person to be better. Bonnie is committed to the growth of women’s baseball and has done a lot through leadership roles she has taken on with DC Girls Baseball and the EWBC. Thank you, Bonnie, for your integrity and positivity on and off the baseball field!